Rosie the kitten didn’t have much chance for survival when she was first found on the brink of death. The tiny little kitty was only 3-year-weeks old, motherless and extremely weak.
A Husky named Lilo changed all of that after her owners rescued the little kitten. Lilothehusky writes on Instagram, “She almost did not make it through the first night even with round the clock care. She was lethargic and limp. So we decided to go out on a limb and let her cuddle extensively with Lilo. By some miracle, she started suckling on Lilo and Lilo went full ‘mom mode.’”
Lilo and Rosie bonded instantly, and after an entire week of nonstop love and care Rosie finally opened her eyes and started to walk on her own. Rosie is now a thriving kitten with an adoring dog for a mom.
Lilo’s owner warns others that this isn’t always how things work out, animal surrogacy is more common than we think but it’s not something you can force or even expect to happen. Lilothehusky writes, “Huskies are notorious for their intense prey drive!! So please please don’t run out and get a kitten (or a husky) expecting them to be best friends.”
Lilo is a pawsome mom and she’s also Instagram famous with over 63,000 followers. Born on April 30th, 2013 she lives with her two other husky pals and a couple of cats, including her new adopted daughter Rosie.
Lilo’s owner writes on YouTube, “She really surprised us when she went full surrogate mode! Even letting Rosie suckle on her and stimulating her to eliminate! Lilo has never had puppies of her own, and never will. But motherhood may just be her calling :).”
Rosie is now 3.5 months old, happy and healthy thanks to her unlikely mom. Adopted or not, the saying ‘like mother like daughter’ still rings true. In fact, Rosie may actually think she’s a dog now as she enjoys going for walks in the park with her mom.
Don’t forget to follow Lilo, Rosie and all of their pals on Instagram!
Photo Credits: Instagram, YouTube, Twitter